Title: Ferris wheel
Fandom: My Candy Love
Pairing: Castiel / Candy (named Eadiare)
Words: 485
Completed: 2021/09/12
Summary: Based on the Tumblr-Prompt “I love you [name], but if you try to take me on that ferris wheel, I’m going to absolutely beat your ass.”
Links: AO3 & FF.net
Year: 2021
[My Candy Love] Name
Title: Name
Fandom: My Candy Love
Pairing: Castiel / Candy (named Eadiare)
Words: 220
Completed: 2021/08/16
Summary: Ed tells the story about how ‘Eadiare’ wasn’t supposed to be her name.
Links: AO3 & FF.net