Title: Favorite
Fandom: Kimetsu no Yaiba / Demon Slayer
Pairing: Rengoku Kyoujuro / Kamado Tanjirou
Words: 150
Completed: 2023/05/15
Summary: Tanjirou’s favorite flavor of onigiri is plum seaweed.
Links: AO3 & FF.net
Rengoku Kyoujurou woke up to the cawing of crows and the smell of freshly cooked rice.
“Aniue,” Senjurou beamed, and the elder Rengoku noticed a familiar crow at the entrance to the engawa, “Tanjirou-san should be returning from his mission soon!”
Pleased at this news, Kyoujurou hummed to himself and a smile spread across his face. He went to his younger brother, who had already begun preparing rice balls for the day and grabbed some rice.
“A-Aniue! You don’t have to!”
Senjurou was flustered. His words from yesterday were still echoing in Kyoujurou’s head (“You need to rest, Aniue!”), but the latter didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s all right, Senjurou. I want to.”
And when Kyoujurou’s onigiri were unevenly shaped and different sizes – all filled with pickled plums, but wrapped rather awkwardly in seaweed – Tanjirou didn’t say a word, but tackled the man to the ground and hugged him tightly.